Strengthen Coral-Rich Marine Protected Areas Archives - Page 5 of 5 - Oceana Philippines

Panaon Island Expedition Captain’s Log: October 22 to 27, 2020

October 22 (Thursday)   When the team came up after their dive, I was delighted to hear them said that Panaon is their favorite site, so far. They were so happy with the diversity of corals in the area.  October 23 (Friday)   Today was a perfect day to dive. Sunny. Very calm waters. Light breeze.   We started in Barangay Punta’s sanctuary. There were a few small fishing boats … Read more

Scientist Spotlight: Dr. Badi Samaniego

Dive deep into the minds and hearts of our scientists on board MV Discovery Palawan. We are featuring the Expedition Team’s Assessment Leader, Dr. Badi Samaniego, for our maiden issue.   Dr. Badi R. Samaniego   UPLB BS Agriculture (Major in Horticulture) UPLB MS Zoology (Minor in Environmental Science) UPLB PhD Environmental Science   What made you decide to be a marine scientist?   … Read more

Expedition Diaries: October 16-17

October 16: COVID-19 Safety Measures Aboard the Expedition Ship   To ensure everyone’s health and safety aboard the expedition ship (MV Discovery Palawan) bound for Panaon, strict COVID-19 health protocols are being implemented at every stage of the journey. Beforehand, all crew and members of the expedition team have undergone COVID-19 testing procedures. Onboard, regular disinfection procedures … Read more

Panaon Island Expedition Captain’s Log: October 14 to 21, 2020

October 14 (Wednesday)   We were supposed to sail today but the incoming Typhoon Ofel made the team decide to postpone the trip to Friday.   Not disheartened though. My boys were happy that I got to spend another day with them, especially my little boy, Juancho, who has been giving me extra hugs and kisses since … Read more

Welcome to Panaon Island!

The Province of Southern Leyte welcomes Oceana to our waters. Being a major coastal province, our marine areas and resources are vast and still unexplored. Moreover, our coastal communities are dependent on fishing as livelihood. More importantly, our marine areas have good number of marine protected areas gradually becoming diving and snorkeling destinations. In this context, … Read more

Journeying South: A Message from the VP

Exciting days ahead for the protection of Philippine reefs!   Four years after the successful and historic expedition to the Benham Bank in the Philippine Rise and two years after its legal protection as a marine resource reserve through presidential proclamation, Oceana embarks on another scientific expedition to protect a rich coral site including 17 marine protected areas in Southern Leyte … Read more