POLICY BRIEF: Postharvest fish losses and fish consumption in coastal communities along San Bernardino Strait and Samar Bays and Channels - Oceana Philippines

Report | October, 2024

POLICY BRIEF: Postharvest fish losses and fish consumption in coastal communities along San Bernardino Strait and Samar Bays and Channels

Polilcy Brief


Oceana commissioned a study to examine postharvest fish losses (PHFL) and fish consumption patterns in coastal communities along the Samar Sea, specifically in Northern Samar and Samar provinces. These losses have significant impacts on food security and the economic stability of local communities where livelihoods depend on fishing. Initial estimates put average post-harvest losses in the target areas (representative communities in the two provinces) at 40% – that is, 40% of the catch by volume is subject to physical and quality loss. These locales are also at the top of the list of areas in the Philippines with malnutrition and high poverty incidence.