The State of Fish in Nutrition Systems in the Philippines - Oceana Philippines

Report | June, 2022

The State of Fish in Nutrition Systems in the Philippines


The Philippines has long been ranked among the top fish producing countries in the world, with fisheries a strategically important sector for both food security and livelihoods. However, the livelihood and food security related benefits of Philippine fisheries have been dissipating through time due to the overexploitation of marine resources and declines in aquaculture production. Recognizing that seafood is an excellent source of energy, protein, and vital nutrients for human health, Oceana commissioned a study to 1) determine the role of Philippine fisheries in terms of food security and livelihoods (income and employment), both at a national and regional scale; 2) assess future risks to food security and livelihoods in the Philippines; and 3) provide advice to Oceana on policy options to strengthen the contribution of fish in nutrition systems in the face of ecosystem change. In partnership with the Department of Science and Technology – Food and Nutrition Research Institute, MRAG Asia Pacific gathered data on the economic contributions of fisheries at the macro and micro levels and to the national seafood consumption.